In order to provide a safe and fun experience for all of our cycle class participants, members must be in the studio by the start time of their class. While we understand that being on time can be challenging, arriving for a cycle class once the instructor has started teaching can create these challenges:
We set up the bikes as members arrive for class. The bikes need to be wheeled into place. Imagine how disruptive it can be for participants who are already engaged in a class, trying to hear the instructor’s cues and enjoy the music, while late participants are wheeling bikes around the studio, trying to get themselves set up.
Our instructors are caring, passionate people who want everyone to have a great experience – it’s hard for them to resist the urge to stop teaching and get off their bike to help with set up but yet, this interrupts the flow of the class.
Late arrivals can lead to a new participant trying to set up their own bike, hence not being in proper alignment on their bike, which can lead to injury or just an uncomfortable experience. We want new people to enjoy the experience and return to our classes!
Though it can be disheartening to get to the Y late and not be allowed into a cycle class, we do have spin bikes available for use in our Functional Training Room. We also have exercise bikes in our Wellness Center. Members can log into Motion Vibe and access a pre-recorded class on their phone or iPad on a day they aren’t able to get into a class.