Airnasium Guidelines
1. Space can be utilized while staffed. Please check the schedule for when the Airnasium is open. Schedules are at the front desk, on our app and our website.
2. Open Airnasium times are for ages 14+. For group exercise classes, 14+ may participate an any group exercise class that is open to our general membership. 12&13 years may attend classes with a parent/caregiver. 10&11 years may attend yoga and dance fitness/Zumba classes with a parent/caregiver.
3. During group exercise classes and small group programs, the space is reserved exclusively for participants. Members may not use the space to do their own workout while a class or special program is in progress.
4. Entrance and exit is via the Y’s main entrance and down the racquetball court hallway. Please do not enter or exit through the outdoor fence.
5. Keep equipment in this space and do not bring equipment from other areas of the Y.
6. Clean equipment and mats after use. Pre-moistened wipes are provided.
7. Please wear athletic clothing. Tops must be worn at all times.
8. Share equipment responsibly by limiting time on each piece to consider others waiting, and offering to alternate rounds to manage wait times effectively.
9. Be mindful of noise levels by using headphones, creating a peaceful environment for all to enjoy their workouts.
10. Members are required to adhere to the YMCA’s cell phone policy. Keep your ringer on silent and refrain from taking calls. Phone conversations can take place outside the Airnasium or in the YMCA lobby.
11. Water only- no other food or drink is allowed.
Please check our app for updates:
See group exercise schedule for more details of classes happening in the Airnasium
Weather Policy
YMCA Leadership will determine closing based on the following Lightning, Air Quality, Heat Index and wind chill.
Thunderstorm Policy:
We are required to close the pool for 30 minutes from the last thunder or lightning in the area.
Heat Policy:
We will adhere to National Weather Service recommendations regarding the Heat Index to decide when to close the airnasium due to hazardous temperatures.
For more information visit: National Weather Service – Heat Forecast Tools